Thu 09 Jan
🌙🌠 Midnight Melissa is back !!!!🌷🌹 Great Reviews. 4023049446 New #7852134808- - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
✮Game Day Fun✮ Lose The Clothes & Pads And Lets Play 2 Hand Touch or Full Contact *TOUCHDOWN* - 25
(Omaha, West Omaha)
I am Sweet like your girlfriend sexy like your mistress but I am Chill like your best guy friend. - 37
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
💕💓[[KilLeR KuRvEs]]💓💕[[HoT PlAyMaTe]]💕💓[[OvEr 50 GrEaT ReViEwS]]💓💕[[ViSiTiNg OnLy]]💕💓 - 28
(Lincoln, Upscale)
The South's Best is back today and tomorrow Only! Penelope Martini! Specials! - 38
(Omaha, Omaha in or out)
Call Alyssa (Sexy Red) ~ $100 SPECIAL (No Upsell) !!! UP ALL NIGHT ! 402-637-1747 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
60-New Breez Wonderful Weather Hummmm! what do you think Gentalmen's-60 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha very decreet)
$1 0 0 SPECIALS [★] H O T **ErOtiC** T R E A T *° = ( ( STUNNING PLayMaTE ) ) $100 SPECIALS - 22
Sexy ~ hot ~ fun BRUNETTE Visiting for a few days only! - Looking for regular friends to visit. - 26
🌤️ 🛎️🛎️🕺HAPPY FATHER'S DAY🛎️🛎️ 💲pecials🌤️ 🌠Treat Yourself To Some Quality & Kinky Fun!💞 - 28
Up all Night!!! (No Upsell) !!!! ~~~~ Sexy Red!!! Alyssa 402-637-1747 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding)
Bored with ORDINARY?? *Fun*Fetish *Fantasy*Toys* are my SPECIALITY :) Omaha's DoMiNaTriX Goddess
(IN or OUT Omaha Metro Area)
♥ N@ughty Treat ♥ NEW to AREA Ready to PLAY ♥1O0 KisS Sp. ♥ SKiLLeD playmate - 22
(Omaha, Omaha Incall)
*Oh so Sweet Like Kandi* Wanna start the Holiday off right? Ready now $80 Specials - 21
(Omaha, Omaha (In Call Only))
(()) (((()))) (( In Town This Week Only ))(( Don't Miss Me While I'm Here )) (((()))) (()) - 24
Amber ~ Outcall Specials!!! (I don't ask for tips) Up All Night Gents!~~~~ 402-738-0990 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding)
Grand Island! aries is in your area today , will travel to surr areas! book now - 33
(Grand Island, grand island, Lincoln & surrounding ares)
Sun 05 Jan
HOTT Curvy Busty BOMBSHELL!! ❤💛Have you had your BREE FIX!??!! Hosting until9pm - 26
(Omaha, Millard)
►#❶★T✪✪ H✪T ★ ★ BaBY*%*THe SeXieST BLaCK BaRbiE% Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTt✪m BOOTy% ★CaLL N✪W! - 22
(Omaha, Omaha, And surrounding areas)
ExOTic MaMii😍🌴 JUiCY LiPS 💋👅 BiG BOOTY (; READY 2 PLAy♡ && Sweet Like CANDY🍬🍬🍭🍭🍦🍦 ☆AVAiLABLE NOW!!! - 21
(Omaha, omaha ; west omaha)
upscale new here for the weekend dontmiss out the party starts here - 22
(Omaha, omaha incall outcall)
██🙈🙉🙊██ THE ORIGINAL ℒ¡§Â ████████⇗█ PETiTE BRUNETTE █⇖█████💣█ BOMBSHELL ██████████ APPT. AVAIL - 26
(Omaha, OMAHA OUT ONLY❤❤❤ ___402-578-4818___❤❤❤)
_______________ ❣♥❤ The original Real Lovely Lisa I am Waiting for You NOW!!. ❤♥❣ _______________ - 26
(Omaha, Your Place ❤❤ ___402-578-4818___❤❤ Ready)