Mon 06 Jan
Freaky Friday $100 Special Extremely Naúghtÿ BLONDE Sweetheart I'm SO good . .that I'm SO bad! - 23
ExoTic*****// HypNotiC// ***EroTic () So SEXY!!!! %% NeW PiX!$!$!$ $100 SpeCiaLs - 26
(Omaha, Omaha/Will-Travel)
Delightfully Uninhibited, Fantasies Welcome! - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In town)
♥¨*• ALEXS girl I am ANGEL without Wings Very nice Body, Nice Booty it''s User Friendly♥¨*• - 32
(Omaha, Omaha INCALL & OUTCALL)
💕💓[[KilLeR KuRvEs]]💓💕[[HoT PlAyMaTe]]💕💓[[OvEr 50 GrEaT ReViEwS]]💓💕[[ViSiTiNg OnLy]]💕💓 - 28
(Lincoln, Upscale)
Sun 05 Jan
Last full day here!! Won't be back for awhile!! Sexy TRUE red that you don't want to miss!!!!!!!!!! - 31
I am White, INDEPENDENT, Drama Free, HOT & READY! ____🏈🏈🏈🏈 I KNOW Exactly What You Need! 🏈🏈🏈 - 27
(Omaha, Your Place OUTCALLonly 📞402-289-7559📞)
❤️🙀❤️❤️Get your BREE fix!!!❤️Hr Out/In spcl!!!❤️🙀❤️ 👨🏾👲🏽👱🏻❤️❤️❤️ - 29
(Omaha, West Omaha, Millard, Gretna)
Beyond Attractive W/ The Best Rated Performance...Im Ready When U r Gentlemen...Out Or In men..24hrs - 26
(Omaha, omaha coucil bluffs lincoln)
💫Ravishing 'Rina Brooks 💜 Hi Omaha men! Lets get Naughty tonight!💫 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha Area InCall and OutCall)
~ The Highly Reviewed Miss Gia Bella ~ Play Dates with an Italian Beauty ~ - 27
(Omaha, Omaha in/out)
🐯🐯🐯Big Titty Kitty🐯🐯🐯is here. MEOW🐯🐯🐯Call me.......PURRRRRH - 28
(Lincoln, Lincoln, Hastings, York, Grand Island)
LAST DAY !!! 🆕🔥❎�HarD🔨Core🔝 🔥 KINKY👥SuB BoYS👱🕘 Only 🔥🔝 DOM 🔝💋💋HunG 🍆TraNsexuAL - 26
(LAST DAY !!** WEST OMAHA !! **, Omaha)
New Sexy All American Redhead Here Today Only! Don't Miss Out! - 26
(Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha, Omaha area)
★★ You'll LOVE every second. I AIM TO PLEASE. NON RUSHED, Available now... - 24
(Omaha, omaha,council bluffs)
(Sexy Red) Alyssa.. ~ $100 SPECIAL!!! UP ALL NIGHT ! 402-637-1747 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
🍌 Super Sexy and Ready For a Great Time!!!! 😘 _________________________ Petite Pretty & Prompt!!!
(Omaha, ▄▀❤▀▄ ————402*289*7559 OUTCALL ———▄▀❤▀▄)
=ScOrE= a (ToUcHdOwN) wItH tHiS *mIlK cHoCoLaTe HoTtIe* _ I'm ReAdY 2 (pLaYoFf) wHeN yOu ArE - 22
~ × ~ ~ Little Taste of Korea . . . I'M BACK AND READY TO PLAY HOUSE ~ × ~ ~
(NOw Incall or OUtcalls)
🌠Highly Reviewed 💞Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes! 💋 - 25
(In or Out of Omaha - I'll come over, Omaha)
JENNA HAS A NEW FRIEND !💕 ☎ for 2 girl action 👄👄402-706-3385! - 34
(Elkhorn Waterloo Gretna Valley W, Omaha)
***Fulfill YouR FaNtacy wiTh Me I'm AmAZingly Fun Call Me Layla***!!! - 24
(Omaha, Omaha Ne/ Council bluffs IA.)
➬•➫•➮【 G E N T L E M E N ' S】 【 P E R F E C T 】【 C H O I C E ' S】N E W✔AmAzINg BoDy ✔VeRy ADdiTivE - 19
BaCk in the AreA **** ThICk aNd BuSTy sWeeT & SeXy AsiAn *** PuRe FiLipiNa DeLighT *** - 29
(Omaha, Northwest Omaha -Incalls- onLy)
call mrs Waterworks$!$! in call/out call/trucker friendly services 100 specials - 23
(Omaha, Omaha/council bluffs)