Sat 04 Jan
21 An ready for FUN. HOW WOULD U LIKE IT? 120$$ SPECIAL. (100 on wknds) - 21
(Omaha, northeast omaha)
It's my BIRTHDAY want to party All night 🎉 Open 24/7 - 21
(Council bluffs and omaha and surrounding, Omaha)
👄——————WoW ———————— ——————— ► SUP€R S€XY PUERTO RICAN Pr!€nCeSs◀ ——————👄— ———————WoW ——————— - 22
Your Dream Came True! £exi £ayne 🏪Up All Night!! 👯 Classy Blonde Bombshell 4¤26One353Two9 Call Me! - 25
(Omaha, Omaha OutCall- I'll Keep You Company)
___{{ V.I.P TReATMeNT }}- --->>> _______ *JUiCY* _______ *SW T* _______ *PeRFeCTiON*__ - 24
(IN & Out===>> oMaHa/ BLuFFs)
Staying 1 more day due 2 weather. 2 hotties in a hot tub, Come warm up with us 200/session - 69
(Omaha, 108th/ L street)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- NUBIAN KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 20
(Omaha, ..::VISITING OMAHA::..)
Natalia Bently visiting Omaha 6/10-6/13 pre book your appointment now! Highly reviewed PDX's ATF - 27
MIDWEST'S DOMME GODDESS Lady Luck is Ready to spank you TODAY - IN/OUT Specialize in FETISH/FANTASY
(Omaha Local Area)
OMG !*!*!*!*! This Azz is KraZiiiii ~ â–ˆL(0)(0)K !! OMGâ–’ â–ˆ:-) Last Nite 60/80/120 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha DownTown incalls only)
NEW ~!!~___ BOYS PLAY __~!!~___ WITH TOYS __-~ !!~___ MEN PLAY __~!!~___ WITH ME ___ - 24
(Omaha, incall Omaha's Finest)
💎Miss Rena💎The most exquisite🍯 companion TEXT,CALL or EMAIL me💌🎀 - 27
(Omaha, Ømàhá & §urrounding Âreas)
~ × ~ ~ Little Taste of Korea . . .LEAVING TODAY AND READY TO PLAY ~ × ~ ~
(NOw Incall or OUtcalls)
😍IM BACK😍 🆕Recent Pics!🔥🔥 Mixed Goddess🔥 Mizz Jazmine™ Call Me Now📲 Ask About ⛄️WINTER SPECIALS⛄️ - 21
HOT! In Very Skilled Yes! Special's it's true yes!-55-55-55 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha very decreet)
Ever dreamed of a woman taking TOTAL CONTROL??? Being SPANKED??? Explore your FANTASY/FETISH today
(Omaha Local Area)
Available! Hot Sexy Independent and Real!
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, hotel room)
***** B*E*S*T ** INTOXICATING ** E-R-O-T-I-C **&*** Full B-O-D-Y RubS***** 24/7 - 21
★ BRAND *SPaNKiNG* NEW!! ★ (( 80$ SPECIALS )) ★ aVaiLaBLe NoW! ★ SUPER HoT ★ No TEXTING ★ - 22
(Omaha, incalls only)
Afternoon Delight..Quick Session.. Great Rate.. InCall onLY... Miss Cheyanne - 21
(Omaha, off of i-80)
**** All **** The **** Way **** From **** GA **** Here **** To **** Give **** You **** MY **** Peach - 21
(Lincoln, linciln sourrounding areas)
❤ 💋 Available NOW 💋 💜💛 ❤✨ 2 Girl SPECIALS💜💛❤✨ HOT✨💜💛❤✨ Your FAVORITE ✨💜💛❤ - - 22 Pos - 22
(Omaha, omaha//council bluffs)
Fri 03 Jan
♥☆New Ye treat♥*★█▒█★★█▒█❤((THICK SNOW BUNNy))♥☆♥*★█▒█★♥ 80 SpEc ♥★█▒█❤ Upscale In/Oc♥☆♥*★█▒█ 44DD █▒█❤ 24/ - 26
(Omaha, Omaha Local Area Incalls and Outcalls)