Sat 11 Jan
Hey! ThanksGiving Special's Dont Miss Out! -- Incall Only--55 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha very decreet)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* IRRESISTABLE *•.❤* ░ ▒IM HERE ▓❤BlOnDe❤ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* SWEETHEART *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ - 25
(Omaha, ---incall---omaha--visiting!!!---)
I Aim To Please With Every Curve & All My Sensual Talents ** Farmer's Daughter Jane** - 25
(Omaha, SW Omaha)
New°❀ ;°BeAuTiFuL•° °•StuNNiNg •° °• •° °•_ChOCoLaTe_*~ BaRBie_DoLL *~*_CuRvY__*~* $$pecial65 - 26
(Omaha, Ncalls only)
Kinky and Seductive Mistress ;) - 19
(Grand Island, In town, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
mature lady.all natural, alot of new pics!!!! SPECIALS, 15 minutes 70.00!!!!!! - 41
(Omaha, omaha, NE)
——————————— ————————————— ████ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ HOT BRUNETTE GODDESS ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ████ ——————————————— —— - 21
★★★ ○ ☆☆☆《I'M BACK》★★★○☆☆☆�·Special's☝ on€ 0F @ k!nd💕.🌟g0rg3ou$ f@ce👑·🔥H0t♡b0d¥💋💄 💦 - 19
(Omaha, Omaha NE)
▃▅▆:★:♚ Uρscαℓε U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D Gorgεous - MiXED Pℓαγmαtε, I L*O*V*E wut i DO! I DO it BEST!♚:★:▆▅ - 23
(Omaha, My place or yours ;))
(•.¸ ★¸.•) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME (•.¸ ★¸.•) AVAILABLE SOON! - 25
Fri 10 Jan
Part-time to 24hrs a Day, Work Around Your Schedule and Make $5,000-$10,000 a Month or More!!!! - 30
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Areas)
**~highly reviewed jasemine~** Brunette beauty with a BOOTY!!!** - 23
(Omaha, omaha/surrounding areas)
Ladi N Red! Now N Your Area!! Kamila Kansas Dont Miss Out! Sweet & Sexi Only Here Afew More Hours!! - 21
hot busty blonde waiting in her room with her girlfriend come see us !!!!! two for the price of one! - 21
(Omaha, incall omaha)
Hot Busty Puerto Rican Visiting For A Few More Days!!!! SPECIALS All Day!!! - 22
(Outcall All Over /Incall 72nd & I 80)
"InCalls" with Jazzy!! Available Now wit Sweet Specials Today Outcalls available also - 30
(Omaha, omaha/council bluffs/bellvue"OUTCALL'S")
Know who you're meeting..Be safe… is here! 100% free! - 22
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, OutCall)
** Thick Juicy Wild & Fun, Experience the best of the best, 100 rose donation for 30mins,hf/hr 150hr - 28
(Lincoln, lincoln my place or yours)
The Girl You've been Searching for Is HERE and READY to Play!! Lets Have Some Fun! AVAILABLE!!!! - 21
❤•InCaLL •❤ ______ ((( •♥• NEW! •♥• BABE 4 U •♥•))) ______❤•ClASSy BloNDe•❤ - 21
(Omaha, West omaha)
Thu 09 Jan
Looking for Sexy Women with Beauty and Brains Whose Favorite Color is Green - 99
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, Boston)
27 Year Old Businessman Looking to Settle Down & Marry By Christmas - 27
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
ITaLiaN BaRbiE HerE 2 Make Your FanTasy'S ReaLiTy OLderMen OnLy Now AvaiLabLe CaLL NoW - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
JuSt ArrIveD!!! @CLaSsY @WeLL ToNed @PeTiTe @BlOnDe @PlAYmAtE @Well RevIewEd & InDePeNdEnT - 29
█▬█▬█ █ ▓ ▒ ;Hi Guys I'm FrIsKy little Sey Petite Pamela "Let's have fun!" ▒ ▓ █ █▬█▬█ - 24
(Omaha, OUTCALL ▀▄▀▄▀ ▄▀▄▀▄ OMAHA)
I Gu@ranTee YoU IM YouR FanTasY DreaMGirL IM A HoT ITaLiaN BaRbie What R YoU WaiTin 0n CaLLMe NoW - - 21
(Omaha, omaha nebraska)
HeY! hOw AbOuT LuNcH BrUnCh SnAcK Or DiNnEr WiTh DiAmOnD-----60 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha very decreet)