Thu 02 Jan
*My Body is Calling***So Sweet**Sooo Sexxy*So Everything You really Want!!!*** - 30
N E W_EYE _C A N D Y _S U P E R _ S E X Y_ OPEN- MiNDeD & FeTiSH FRiENdLY_ !! - 24
Jazzy "*125*"Hh Special Available Now "*125*"Hh Outcalls ONLY Today - 30
(Omaha, omaha/ council bluffs/surrounding)
K'z Tasteful Kiss's & More $95---$130 Specials Available Now! Incall location & taken out calls - 23
(Omaha, Omaha/near u)
l❤ ❤•• ❤███ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ l❤ ❤•• ❤███ ▆ - 22
(Omaha, Omaha,Nebraska)
Last full day here!! Won't be back for awhile!! Sexy TRUE red that you don't want to miss!!!!!!!!!! - 31
☆ NeW NeW ☆ DeAls On HeAls ☆60 Specials ☆80Specials VISITING - 19
New📷Pics! 🍒Addicting 💋Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 💫 Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Amazing Reviews - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
@ @ Make Your Experience Absolutely Enjoyable!!@@ 100% Real Busty Blonde@@
(Areawide Outcall/ Incall)
☼ Memorial Weekend SPECIALS ==Come Roll Around In THe Sack With ME=Availabe From 12pm ~ 12am - 23
(Omaha, W Omaha / Incall)
**Mz. Kandy Has Jungle Fever!! **Freaky 100/Specials!! Hott Commodity!! - 31
NEW GIRL IN TOWN come teach me some things im open minded and very fun and freaky!!! - 18
(Omaha, omaha incall only)
💋!!Miss Rena!!💋🔥Available Anytime!🔥💎Class Not Trash💎☎Call Text or Email Anytime☎ - 27
(Omaha, 🚗💨Ømaha & Surrounding Areas🚗💨)
NEW} == B_O_M_B_A_Y ==== I_N-D_I_A_N ====== H_O_T_T_I_E ===== 100 % REAL INDIAN GIRL ========== - 21
New°❀ ;°BeAuTiFuL•° °•StuNNiNg •° °• •° °•_ChOCoLaTe_*~ BaRBie_DoLL *~*_CuRvY__*~* $$pecial65 - 26
(Omaha, Ncalls only)
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Grand Island, In town, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
Last Day Here!!!!! Leaving In The Morning!!!! Busty Blonde Hottie Well Reviewed!!
(Out All Over/IN 72nd st & I 80)
*~*LuSCiOuS LiPs * THiCk HiPs * 42 D TiTTs* GFE SPeCTaCuLaR * !!!$CaLL AvAiLaBLe!!!*~* - 22
(in.outcall w. omaha)
- * - . . { GENTLEMAN'S }.. - * - .. {BEST} .. -*- .. {KEPT} ..-*-.. {SECRET} ..-*-.. - - 22
******* I'M On SaNTa'S N@UGhTY LiST *******))))) EArLY MoRNiNG SPeCi@LS ((((( - 41
(Omaha, Omaha/CB/Lincoln)
()) (((()))) (( In Town This Week Only ))(( Don't Miss Me While I'm Here )) (((()))) (() - 24
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
Lunch 🚙 💨💨💨 _____________ Pretty Petite Pamela Wants 2 Play ___________ 🚙 💨💨💨 Dinner or Late - 24
(Omaha, O🔥U🔥T🔥C🔥A🔥L🔥L 🚙 💨 O🔥N🔥L🔥Y)
@@ Late Night Busty Blonde Delight!!@@ Something Truly From Heaven - 27
(Omaha, Area wide outcalls and incall)
{.I.} {.M.} * {.E.} {.V. } {.R.} {.Y.} {.T.} {.H.} {.I.} {.N.} {.G.} * {.U.} * {.N.} {.E.} {.E.}{.D. - 22
HeLLo OmAhA!!! LAsT DaY YoUr NeW SeXxi FriEnD BlUe EyEs ❤BOOTY LOVERS❤] [✔CuRVy CuTiE ](¤1OO% ME - 24
(In/outcalls, Omaha)
Last Day Here!! $100 Special Today!!! Leaving tomorrow morning!!! ~ Call 402-996-0695 Ask for Amber - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
I BL69W MINDS. When you Have The Time To Cater To Yourself, Call ME ;);). - 23
(Omaha, Outcall/ Omaha)
~ × ~ ~ Little Taste of Korea . . .LEAVING TODAY AND READY TO PLAY ~ × ~ ~
(NOw Incall or OUtcalls)
I Aim To Please With Every Curve & All My Sensual Talents ** Farmer's Daughter Jane** - 25
(Omaha, SW Omaha)