Thu 02 Jan
PERFECT 1O ★* _ =*= ALL~NATURAL _ (( HoTTiE )) __ BUSTY BOMBSHELL =*= _____ *100% REAL* - - 20
(Omaha, Incalls ONLY)
💞Pure Ecstasy. Fulfills all your fantasies💞 *70$ special* not accepting no calls after Oct. 3 - 23
(Omaha, in/out call)
OLderMeN OnLy & RiPe StRaWBeRRy I GuaranTee I am The BeSt Of BoTh WorLDs 2 GiRL SHOWS NowReady - 21
**NEW EBONY *Visting omaha * Queen :) aVailable 24/7 oUtCall / InCall - 20
(Omaha, omaha/Lincoln/gretna/papillon)
OUTCALLS Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦWELL REVIEWED ▓ 💎тσρ σƒ тhє line 💎▓ 🎀 Οη℮ Οf a ΚιηD 🎀 ▓ - 23
(Omaha, 💋•• I can only come to your place)
*PRECISELY what you're looking for! EROTIC PLEASURES and much more! - 21
(Omaha, Call with any questions!)
~ - ~ - : - Midg£t - Kor£aΠ - : - ¥our - ChaΠc£ - To - Just - G£t - Awa¥ - : - ~ - ~
(NOw Incall or OUtcalls)
________ ____ _____ Let me take your breath away..So much to show you..Gauranteed Fun Lisa!!!!!!!!!! - 26
(Omaha, Outcall Omaha Only Thanks █π)
positively reviewed - professional - honest - safer - saner - discreet - EURASIAN REDHEAD - - 26
(Omaha, Omaha Nebraska incall / outcall)
~ Look Pretty ~ Play Dirty ~ Splash of FUN ~ Highly Reviewed Italian Play Mate ~ ~ - 27
(Omaha, in or out)
★L✪✪K➜✪★ ((SEXY CuRvES)☞((❤B🅾OTY❤) ((BbW)) CuTiE ★★❤SuPeR SwEeT★CaTcH mE wHiLe YoU cAn★80specials! - 24
(i80 & 72nd St. In/out, Omaha)
🍒💋♦💎 NaughtY & NiCe💎⚠ StOp HeRe⚠ LeT mE bE your pLeAsUrE💋💋 NaTuRaL bLoNdE bEaUtY💋💎 - 24
(Omaha, Omaha & Council Bluffs)
N€W.. ✔✔✔ tired of the FAKES? ●€BONY GoDdeSs ...C@LL the HOTTE$T - 23
(Omaha, OMAHA [surrounding areas] {in/out})
K'z "$85 & $120 FSpecials Available Now! Incall Only now til 4am hurry I'm So Available Now!! - 24
(Omaha, Near you $85 $120)
*My Body is Calling***So Sweet**Sooo Sexxy*So Everything You really Want!!!*** - 30
N E W_EYE _C A N D Y _S U P E R _ S E X Y_ OPEN- MiNDeD & FeTiSH FRiENdLY_ !! - 24
Last full day here!! Won't be back for awhile!! Sexy TRUE red that you don't want to miss!!!!!!!!!! - 31
☆ NeW NeW ☆ DeAls On HeAls ☆60 Specials ☆80Specials VISITING - 19
New📷Pics! 🍒Addicting 💋Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 💫 Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Amazing Reviews - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
NeW NeW New ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) L•O•O•K• • •▶100% REAL Pics!! (( ♥ ♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥ ♥ ))☆☆INDIAN & BLK☆☆ - 18
(Omaha, OMAHA NE)
💋!!Miss Rena!!💋🔥Available Anytime!🔥💎Class Not Trash💎☎Call Text or Email Anytime☎ - 27
(Omaha, 🚗💨Ømaha & Surrounding Areas🚗💨)
NEW _______ _____80$ ▃ ▅ ▆ █♡Perfect Playmate ♡█ ▆ ▅ ▃ 80$_______ _______ SPECIALS - 19
NEW} == B_O_M_B_A_Y ==== I_N-D_I_A_N ====== H_O_T_T_I_E ===== 100 % REAL INDIAN GIRL ========== - 21
New°❀ ;°BeAuTiFuL•° °•StuNNiNg •° °• •° °•_ChOCoLaTe_*~ BaRBie_DoLL *~*_CuRvY__*~* $$pecial65 - 26
(Omaha, Ncalls only)
Last Day Here!!!!! Leaving In The Morning!!!! Busty Blonde Hottie Well Reviewed!!
(Out All Over/IN 72nd st & I 80)
Last Night In Town · ((Petite)) • Filipina & Creole • ((HiGHLy REViEWED)) ◄••=== Exotic Bombshell - 25
(Omaha, Omaha -Incall Only-)
*~*LuSCiOuS LiPs * THiCk HiPs * 42 D TiTTs* GFE SPeCTaCuLaR * !!!$CaLL AvAiLaBLe!!!*~* - 22
(in.outcall w. omaha)
:.•★ ▄▄★•:.• I Am The Woman That You Dream About Having•:.•★ ▄▄★ -Up Late! - - 22
(Omaha, In Your Arms Everywhere)