Sat 04 Jan
Pick Layla there is no need to look else where for fun an specials today only night or day 24/7!!! - 23
(Omaha, Omaha Ne,/Council Bluff, IA)
Ready to be Completely SatIsfiEd? Let's Play~In and out call {KaTiE} HIGHLY REVIEWED Special** - 24
MIDWEST'S DOMME GODDESS Lady Luck is Ready to spank you TODAY - IN/OUT Specialize in FETISH/FANTASY
(Omaha Local Area)
**MZ. LAYLA Has Jungle FEVER!!** A Definite Warm Spot You'll Want To B In!! 100/SPEC. - 29
♥☆New Ye treat♥*★█▒█★★█▒█❤((THICK SNOW BUNNy))♥☆♥*★█▒█★♥ 80 SpEc ♥★█▒█❤ Upscale In/Oc♥☆♥*★█▒█ 44DD █▒█❤ 24/ - 26
(Omaha, Omaha Local Area Incalls and Outcalls)
===••►LAST NIGHT ((PETiTE)) • Filipina & Creole • ((HiGHLy REViEWED)) ◄••=== Exotic Bombshell - 22
(Omaha, Omaha/Westroads Mall -Incalls Only-)
Need Me ? Want Me ? Got To Have Me ? * Stairway To Heaven * HOT Blonde Playmate* - 24
(Omaha, incall or outcall)
(((( Lisa...Super SExY yet Classy and UnRuSheD! My Pics are REaL! Hope to See YOu SooN! - 25
(Outcall in Omaha Only)
mature lady.all natural, alot of new pics!!!! SPECIALS, 15 minutes 70.00!!!! - 41
(Omaha, omaha, NE)
💦Juicy in ALL the right places 🍒ASIAN & ITALIAN Goddess🍒 *100hh 150h Specials* DONT MISS OUT 💞💋 - 20
(Omaha, Omaha & surrounding areas (OUTCALLS))
Just Arrived💋💋Hot&ReadY;🔥🔥 Caramel 💕💕Goddes💯💝💝Call Me NoW!
(Omaha, !!!!! OUT CALLS AND IN CALLS!!!!!!!)
** LÃTINA!** Super Sexy & Naúghtÿ! Well reviewed! HERE TODAY-9th! 702-480-6770 1000% Guaranteed FUN - 25
(Omaha, Omaha NE)
♥ —— M—i—§—§ —— ♥¦; —— P—®—E—†—†—Y —— ♥ K-- I-- T--T --Y _______ - 23
(Omaha, Lincoln ...Incalls ...Lincoln Incalls)
HOTT new pics! Curvy Busty BOMBSHELL!! ❤💛Have you had your BREE FIX!??!! Hosting until9pm - 26
(Omaha, Millard)
🍭Hey Daddy🍭 wanna have fun💕 Your in the right place, just a text away💖⚡ - 21
(Omaha, Outcall only unless posted otherwise)
⭐⭐⭐ Highly REVIEWED!! Have you had your BREE FIX today!!?!! ⭐⭐⭐Hosting 8am to 10pm - 26
(Omaha, Millard/south west omaha)
Leaving ★ _ Few More Hours!! Make It Count!! _ ★ AvAiLaBlE NOW! - 27
(Omaha, In Call (72nd & I-80)/ Out Call All Over)
☞ ♛ If You Know Me, Lets Reconnect... ☞ ♛ If You Don't, Lets Get Acquainted! - 25
(Omaha, ☞ Gentlemans Choice)