Mon 27 Jan
»» »» LISA .. The Best in Quality Company and MUCH more !!!! »» 402-215-4691 » - 26
(Your Place I come discretely)
What are you waiting for? My FaVoRiTe Hobby is DoMiNaTiNg YOU :) 100% Real DoMiNaTrIx Diva CALL NOW
(Omaha Local Area)
Let my body do the talking👅👄👅👄💢...My name is Kelly👅👅and i'm read😘😘y to P L A Y👄👄👄💋💋💋 - 23
(`•. ____ ★.•o°•* I'M SOoOoOoOo YuMMMMMmmMYY * •°o•. ★____.• ´¯)BeaUtiFul GirL - - 19
(Omaha, Omaha incall/outcall)
OLdeR MeN SEEKING A HIGHER LEVEL 0F SATISFACTI0N! im your girl!! tiny lil ReD @lw@ys Hot& Ready - 21
New Sexy Petite💓💗 Aquafina Flow (Splash) 💦💦Drip Drop Wanna Dry Me Off $100 Specials - 21
(Omaha, downtown airport)
💚💙 New Girl 💙Indian & blk💚 Miss Mia. NEW GiRL aLERt ! Brown EYED SEXy, fUN & SiiNGLE giRLy💜💜 - - 19
(Omaha, Omaha Nebraska (My Place))
Need to be DoMiNaTeD?? Indulge Your Fantasies CALL TODAY :)Goddess Lady Luck Just Bought a New Toy:)
(Omaha Local Area)
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In the city)
Lovely and very affordable to be there for the time you need me and I hope you will enjoy the time - 23
(Omaha, Omaha Ne surounding areas will travel)
____ LaST NiGHT iN ToWn!!!! _____ // bLOnDe // ________ // HoTTiE// ViSiTiNG FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY - 28
(central omaha)
let me be your valentines treat special.....Stephanie luvbug - 23
(Omaha, 80hh early valentines special)
K'z 1/2H AM & Evenning Special :-*$75:-*$Rght Now Ncall Only Till 3pm Special Endz So Hurry!!! - 24
(Omaha, omaha/near you)
PeTTie BLonDe * B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L * ★ L€T *M€* M@k€ *¥0uR* T€mP€r@TuR€ *R¡§€ - 22
(Omaha, Omaha & out calls)
positively reviewed - professional - honest - safer - saner - discreet - EURASIAN REDHEAD - - 26
(Omaha, Omaha Nebraska incall / outcall)
~P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- - HOT -- SEXY --~~20 min special today! - 23
(Omaha, Omaha Fremont)
@@ No More Settling@@ All American Busty Blonde Playmate!! 100% Real Pics@@ - 26
(Araewide Outcall/ Incall)
🐾New to The Area🐾 New Pics🐾Roxy the Native American Hottie🐾 📲Call Me Now 💯Real Pics 🚖Outcalls Only - 21
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, anywhere you want me!)
°•°• NaTuRAL BlONdE °•°•BLuE EyEd °•°•PeTiTE °•°• ClAsSy °•°•CuTiE. PiCs are ME or its FREE!! - 26
(Omaha, OMAHA/ YOURS or MINE.)
Miss Rena,The Best EVER! There is no competition😉 ,IN and OUTCALL ONLY 🏪🍒🌙ALL DAY OR NIGHT🌞 - 27
Make a wish wit the"Birthday Grl" $130 Specials Available Now! Incall location & taken out calls - 23
(Omaha, Happy Brthday!!)
LISA —————————————— ((( •♥• AFTERNOON APPOINTMENTS •♥• ))) —————————— AVAILABLE - 26
~ Look Pretty ~ Play Dirty ~ Splash of FUN ~ Highly Reviewed Italian Play Mate ~ ~ - 27
(Omaha, in or out)
Lets get together for STRESS free wonderfully Amazing time w/ an erotic sensual playmate - 26
(Omaha, OUTCALL to your House, Apt, Hotel)
OMG SaTiVa DivA is HeRe and ReAdY to RoCk YouR WorLd - 100 - 21
(Omaha, incall and outcall (omaha and CB))
:):):o:o A Simple Touch Is So Addicting. :):):o:o Your Wish Is my Command :):):o:o .. - 23
(Omaha, Yours or Mine)