Mon 06 Jan
★★ HAPPY HOLIDAYS ★★ I'll make you very very happy... 150hr holiday specials★★ - 24
(Omaha, omaha,downtown)
█★██★█ • CUT OUT THE FAKES • █★█ IM Verified And Reviewed █★█ ALL REAL PICS █★██★█ - 24
(Omaha, West Dodge Road / 97th st ; verified)
💖╠╣E╚╚O❤🎯NeWBI with A sLiM wAiSt PrEtTy FaCe # 1 C H O I CE —:¦:S T O P HERE~💗~ SUPER CUTiE ! - - 22
(Lincoln, Lincoln Ne and Places Close by)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(In your city)
Delightfully Uninhibited, Fantasies Welcome! - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In town)
**Biggest ta tas in town** 75 incall special fetish/ roleplay friendly - 24
(Omaha, omaha/council bluffs)
BRaND NeW ! ✴ BUSTY DD'S✴ 💗✴ ✴💗✴GoRGEoUS ✴💗 ✴✴ 💗 ✴BLoNDE BARBiE 💗✴ $100 HaLf hR✰ ToNiGHT ONLY✰ - 25
(Omaha, ✴ ✴N.W. Omaha/🚫NO OUTCALL✴ ✴)
AMAZING Irresistible Italian~ {Katie 150% Satisfying} HIGHLY REVIEWED~ Come play with me!** Special* - 24
Amber ~~~ $160 (no tips needed) !! You Will Love ME!!! 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
💗💋💋💕¨¨*((AVAILABLE NOW))♠♥♣♦*• SEXY Brunette Bombshell💕Midwest DELIGHT!!🌠 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha, Bellevue, Gretna, & Surrounding)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ BLONDE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤SEXY ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤BLONDE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ NeW 100specials - 19
(Omaha, Omaha/ airport area)
22, LETS HAVE SOME JUICY time ONLY 75$ specials (ready now) - 22
(Omaha, northeast omaha)
Back in town for a few days starting Monday February 1st!! Sexy smokin hot TRUE redhead!!! - 31
Available All Day..... Busty BLonde Hottie Visiting 1 More Day!!!!! Now IS Your Chance
(Out All Over/IN 72nd st & I80)
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔ SIMPLY PERFECT!!!💘💎 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔ ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T💘💎 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha,Lincoln,CB and Surrounding)
Always looking for a gentleman that I can show my skills too! If you wanna see, get a hold of me now - 22
4 You OLdeRMeN I CaN MaKeYoUFeeL 16AGAIN PeTiTe WaIsT BubbLeBuT 38C CuPs RedHaIr GreeNeYeS CaLLNoW - 22
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
💕💓[[KilLeR KuRvEs]]💓💕[[HoT PlAyMaTe]]💕💓[[OvEr 50 GrEaT ReViEwS]]💓💕[[ViSiTiNg OnLy]]💕💓 - 28
(Lincoln, Upscale)
Sun 05 Jan
((( LaST NiGHT ))) * THe ORiGiNAL CALiFORNiA SWeeTHeaRT :: DESTiNY LOVE * ((( DoN'T MiSS OUT - 21
ExOTic MaMii😍🌴 JUiCY LiPS 💋👅 BiG BOOTY (; && Sweet Like CANDY🍬🍬🍭🍭🍦🍦 ☆AVAiLABLE NOW!!! - 21
(Omaha, omaha ; west omaha)
IM BACK GUYS .¸* ;*¸. SeXXy INDIAN~ N ~BLK.¸*.¸* *¸* SeXXy INDIAN~N~Blk!! !¸.'´¯)) 786-359-1659 - 21
(Omaha, ~~~MY PLACE OR YOURS~~~)
I am White, INDEPENDENT, Drama Free, HOT & READY! ____🏈🏈🏈🏈 I KNOW Exactly What You Need! 🏈🏈🏈 - 27
(Omaha, Your Place OUTCALLonly 📞402-289-7559📞)
%*%* I am.So Lonley %*%*. Come Spend Some Time With Me . ;);) SPECIALS ;);). - 23
(Omaha, Yours or Mine)
✯ FoRgEt ✰┆ ★ ThE ✪┆✫ REST ✬┆✩ ENjOy ✯┆✰ThE ★┆✪BEST ❣❣ ✫┆✬ ----- PURE PLEASURE & SASTiSFACTiON ! --- - 23