Sun 05 Jan
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {bLoNde} =W_H_A_T= {5★ SeRvIce} =Y_O_U= {'n bUsTy} =W_A_N_T= *☆* - 33
(Omaha, ☆ OmAhA ☆)
I don’t bite . . . I nibble 💖 I can’t show you the best part of me . . . yet 💖 150hr specials - 24
(Omaha, omaha and surrounding locations)
Look, New Pics!!!💋💄 Well reviewed, brunette beauty 👠💓 Jasemine, back for a short time only!!💅🏽👄 - 25
Jazzi Sexi New & Sweet "*120*"Hr Special Available Now!! Till 11pm "*120*"Outcall only - 30
(Omaha, omaha council bluffs)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* IRRESISTABLE *•.❤* ░ ▒IM HERE ▓❤BlOnDe❤ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* SWEETHEART *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ - 25
(Omaha, ---incall---omaha--visiting!!!---)
Hi its BRITTANY I can REFRESH you From any and everything **&*♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥ BIGG BOOTY♥♥♥♥♡♡ ¢££€€ - 23
(Omaha, wherever you are)
! * ! * ! ~~ HOT * HOT * HOT ~~ ! * ! * ! Blazing BLUE Eyed Beauty ;) ~~ 300/hr ~~ - 29
(Omaha, West Omaha)
( // GuarAnteEed //2 = iNTrigUe~YoUR* EVeRY DeSirE!!!! 38G BusT 120 sPecials - 26
(Omaha, /Council Bluffs-Will travel)
Late Night Spcls *Beautiful, sexy, chocolate princess Kandi!! Now available!! Call me anytime! - 21
ITaLiaN BaRbiE HerE 2 Make Your FanTasy'S ReaLiTy OLderMen OnLy Now AvaiLabLe CaLL NoW - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
Jenna, Tonya, and Sabrina are here for you tonight! Call 402-706-3385 Tongiht! - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Areas)
HOT YoUNg & BEaUTIFuL EboNY~NO rUsHinG! YaSMiNe iS HeRe~ CaLL nOw 402-202-1089!!! - 21
(Lincoln, Lincoln, York, Grand Island, AREAS)
【Killer Body】 ✓ 【100% real pics】 ✓ 【HIGHLY SKILLED】 y✓【Verified & Reviewed - 23
(Omaha, Omaha & Surrounding Areas)
If You love a "PARTY 💊💊GIRL". I'Ⓜ️The 🚺Girl 4️⃣ YOU🌀🌀🌀 BrIng party favors and let's have fun💯Specials😜 - 22
(Incalls only, Omaha)
"In Call" & "Out Call" Special *{85 hh}*±*(160 Hr)* with Jazzy! Incall & Outcall Available now - 30
(Omaha, Midtwn omaha/in call out call available)
JENNA HAS A NEW FRIEND !💕 ☎ for 2 girl action 👄👄402-706-3385! - 34
(Elkhorn Waterloo Gretna Valley W, Omaha)
🌸🎀🌸Karissa K🌸🎀 Blue Eyes + Busty + Seductive BBW ==🎀🌸 Upscale Provider 🌸🎀🌸 - 24
(Omaha, Omaha // Lincoln)
✿*❤ » L◕ ‿ ◕K Im Available Right Now ♚ ☜ ☎ CALL ME ☆♥ (◠‿◠)*❤ ✿ SPECIALS ALL NITE!!! - 26
*** I *** am *** your *** candy *** red *** APPLE *** *** Sweet *** and *** deliscious *** - 21
(Omaha, omaha/sourrounding areas)
$exy Mixed HOTTIE!!!!!!**** NEW IN TOWN AND READY TO PLAY***** - 25
(Omaha, omaha and surrounding areas)
Erotic Extream Sexual Sensual Excotic Adult Entertainment Call Now!!!! - 23
(Omaha, Omaha surronding areas)
* * * EXOTIC * *EBONY *|| ((PLAYMATE)) ==GREAT -XXX- SKiLLs ===> ( ( KiLLeR BoDY ) ) - 24
(in/ out calls===>> 90th maple)
$!$!$!$! JaDe the SeXy and SeDuCtIvE DoCtOr $!$!$!$! Monday Madness - 30
(Omaha, omaha and surounding areas)
JessaRae , petite , , Sexy , , Tight . .and Highly reviewd >100 roses special < 8pm-11pm - 24
(i/c o/c omaha suurounding areas)
Exotic Box of Chocolates with HOT CARAMEL Inside O so Yummy - 24
(Omaha, Omaha/Lincoln/Council Bluffs/Fremont)
~ Fingerlicking Good ~ Highly Erotic ~ Sweet Italian Treat ~ Rate Specials Today ~ - 27
(Omaha, Upscale, discrete incall)
█ ▓ ▒ I know you like what you see.... Today or tonight is the time w/ me Pam! - 24
(Omaha, Outcall in omaha★ ★ ★)
💥🌟🔥I'm The Star💫 Of The Show🎥 🚫Stop What Your Doing Look👀No Further! You Found🔦🔎Her😘 - 25
(Omaha, Metro Area & Surrounding)
UP LATE TONITE *Fun * Fetish *Fantasy*Toys* are my SPECIALITY Omaha's DoMiNaTriX Goddess Seeks Subs
(IN or OUT Omaha Metro Area)
I am White, INDEPENDENT, Drama Free, HOT & READY! ____🏈🏈🏈🏈 I KNOW Exactly What You Need! 🏈🏈🏈 - 27
(Omaha, Your Place OUTCALLonly 📞402-289-7559📞)