Wed 08 Jan
N€W..●●tired of the FAKES? ●€BONY GoDdeSs ...C@LL the HOTTE$T. - 23
(Omaha, Omaha in /out Calls CouncilBluff)
"In Call" Special *±* wit Jazzy *±* Flat Rate *±* {130*!!*} *±* "In Call" Special Ready!! - 30
(Omaha, Midtwn omaha/in call available now)
Last day 2day 2 lady hot tub session 200 OR TANTRA 120/session sensuality 2 sensational satisfaction - 39
(Omaha, 72nd/ i80)
Tue 07 Jan
*100 specials* no upselling, no rushing, no games. Curvy, classy, laid back, honest & sexy - 25
(Omaha, INCALL! Midtown)
🍭💎💋 * ★ N A U G H T Y • P L A Y M A T E █ █ Ready To Play 💋 █ █ Specials █ █ 💋 💋🍒* ★ - 20
(Lincoln, incalls)
Mon 06 Jan
XX00XX Your …. Discrete …. Affair XX00XX Credit Cards Accepted !!! - 22
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
let this wild beautiful and sexy woman who cant get enougH come spoil you - 25
(Omaha, Out/ Omaha Lincoln in/north omaha)
I Can Show U Better Than I Can Tell 😻😻😻 My Best Attribute Is These Lips 😉👅👅🍭🍭🍦🍦🍦 - 21
(Omaha, omaha ; west omaha)
BaCk in the AreA **** ThICk aNd BuSTy sWeeT & SeXy AsiAn *** PuRe FiLipiNa DeLighT *** - 29
(Omaha, Northwest Omaha -Incalls- onLy)
call mrs Waterworks$!$! in call/out call/trucker friendly services 100 specials - 23
(Omaha, Omaha/council bluffs)
B~o~d~y ~~~ H~e~a~t ~~~ M~a~k~e ~~~ Y~o~u~r ~~~ N~i~g~h~t ~~~ R~e~d ~~~ H~o~t - 24
(Omaha, omaha and surrounding areas)
5'4/Curvy/Natural DD's~$150 Full Hour ~ NO TIPS NEEDED (SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!) ~ 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Incall specials! *Best of Both Worlds➡EXOTIC CHOcolAtE TREAT🍰 ** TS Jade 402-612-8210 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha, Lincoln)
MEN and WOMEN DESIRE HER you've Fantasized about HER VIP Courtesan EUROPEAN PARIS BEACH 310 701-7410 - 33
(Scottsbluff, Scottsbluff, Nebraska)
🍭💎💋 * ★ N A U G H T Y • P L A Y M A T E █ █ Ready To Play 💋 █ █ Specials █ █ 💋 💋🍒* ★ - 20
(Lincoln, incalls)
💕💓[[KilLeR KuRvEs]]💓💕[[HoT PlAyMaTe]]💕💓[[OvEr 50 GrEaT ReViEwS]]💓💕[[ViSiTiNg OnLy]]💕💓 - 28
(Lincoln, Upscale)
Report Ad☜❤☞ Beautiful! ☜❤☞ Independent! ☜❤☞ Book Your Incalls Now - 22
(Grand Island, Grand island incalls)
HoStiNG ToDaY @@NaTuRaL BlOndE @@WeLL ToNeD @@PeTiTe @@ClAsSy PlAyMaTE!! WeLL ReVieWeD & InDePeNDeNT - 28
(Lincoln, My place or yours)
@@ Choose From the Top Shelf!! Take Some You Time!! 5 Star Busty Blonde PLaymate!! - 27
(Omaha, Araewide Outcall)
🚺 Bucket List, Nationally Reveiwed 🇰🇷 Asian and I'm Fun! - 28
(Omaha, Omaha Bellevue Elkorn Council Bluffs)
»» »» For absolutely the best time call Lisa !!!! »» 402-215-4691 » - 26
(Out call to you discreetly)
ExoTic*****// HypNotiC// ***EroTic () So SEXY!!!! %% NeW PiX!$!$!$ $100 SpeCiaLs - 26
(Omaha, Omaha/Will-Travel)
~*~ Brunettes ~*~ Blonds ~*~ Escorts of All Types ~*~ Just What You Are Looking For ~*~ - 24
(Omaha, omaha and council bluffs)
@@ Choose From the Top Shelf!! Take Some You Time!! 5 Star Busty Blonde PLaymate!! - 26
(Omaha, Araewide Outcall/ Incall)
cØm & gt a Dا Øf @cTiØN! [GØRGØU§ FAC & KiLLR CURV§] AvAiLABLE NØW! - 23
(Omaha, iNcaLLs OMAHA + OuTcalls ALL areas)
——— Asian Mix Limited Time ——— • § € xx Y ♥ & ♥ §€n§U u§ • ——— Asian Mix limited Time Only ——— - - 25
(Omaha, * Downtown * Omaha * InCall *)
60-New Breez Wonderful Weather Hummmm! what do you think Gentalmen's-60 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha very decreet)